NIPPA Focus Seminar: Extending the Analytic Instrument
Sunday, April 8, 2018, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Presented by:
Caryn Sherman-Meyer, LCSW
Heather Ferguson, LCSW
Extending the Analytic Instrument: Embodied Resonance in Treatment
The National Institute for the Psychotherapies
250 West 57th Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10107
By listening with our whole being, opening to bodily and affective reveries- our embodied mind- the analyst expands their scope of understanding. We feel our way into our patient’s experience with all our senses, listening to how patients tell their story. We attune to the rhythmic patterns--accents, cadence, silences—the affective tone and the musicality behind the words. In this presentation, we introduce a form of embodied communication that we refer to as “embodied resonance.” Through case examples and a series of interactive exercises, the participants will explore how physiological states evoked in treatment, implicitly or explicitly felt by analyst and patient, influences the transference/countertransference surround. We strive to heighten awareness to the bodily register as crucial data about the patient, the analyst and the interactive process.
Caryn Sherman-Meyer, LCSW is faculty, supervisor and training analyst at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and other New York City analytic institutes. She writes, teaches and supervises about eating disorders, embodiment and the intersubjective field in psychoanalysis. In recent articles and presentations, she has examined the therapeutic action of bi-directional bodily communication between patient and analyst. Caryn offers individual, couple and group psychotherapy and psychoanalysis as well supervision in her private practice in New York City.
Heather Ferguson, LCSW is faculty and supervisor at the Institute for Expressive Analysis, the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, and lecturer at NIP and Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis. Heather has chapters in two books from Routledge: Ghosts in the Consulting Room: Echoes of Trauma in Psychoanalysis, (Editors Harris, Kalb, and Klebanoff) and Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists, Editor, George Hagman, be released this month. Heather teaches and writes about a range of topics related to eating disorder treatment, trauma and grief and has a private practice in NYC.
Continuing Education
NIPPA Focus Seminars do not offer CE hours.
The National Institute for the Psychotherapies is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education credits for psychologists. The National Institute for the Psychotherapies maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The National Institute for the Psychotherapies is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0018.
The National Institute for the Psychotherapies is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts #Psyan-0004.
National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0059.
The event is free, but pre-registration is required.