Call for Papers — National Institute for the Psychotherapies

NIPPA Fall Colloquium 2021 Call for Papers

Deadline May 31st, 2022

NIPPA's Annual Colloquium Committee is seeking papers for the Colloquium, to be held in the spring of 2023, date and location to be determined.

The Colloquium gives NIP graduates and current candidates an opportunity to present a paper to the NIP community, an audience of peers and colleagues. Two senior analysts are invited to comment on the paper as discussants.

We encourage those who have never presented or published their work, and fall into one of the following categories, to submit papers: alumni and candidates of NIP's Adult Training Program, National Training Program, and Supervisory Training Program; alumni of NIP's one year Child & Adolescent Program; and alumni and candidates of NIP's Integrative Trauma Treatment Program who have completed analytic training at NIP or another institute.

Papers may be up to 30 double-spaced pages, typewritten, including the title page and references. After being selected, the author will be asked to hone the paper to a 20-25 minute oral presentation. The author will assist the committee in selecting the discussants.

Please submit papers by Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 to The subject line should read "2023 Colloquium Paper for Submission." Information identifying the author will be removed and the paper will be forwarded to the Colloquium committee for review and selection. Only after a paper has been chosen will the author's identity be disclosed to the committee.

We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity and submit your work. The NIPPA Colloquium is a congenial event with a very friendly and supportive atmosphere. Please consider taking this first step into the world of analytic writing and presenting.

NIPPA Fall Colloquium Committee

Past NIPPA Colloquia

2019 - Intruded Upon By Reality: The Collapse of a Treatment

Through an intimate rendering of her work with a highly traumatized patient, the presenter explores the extent to which the reality of external events can further complicate internal conflicts and intrude upon a treatment. When inner and outer reality collide as a result of the footprints left by trauma, the presenter, by examining the richness as well as the limitations of psychoanalytic theory, concludes that external events can be as wounding as the distorted image we have of ourselves.

Presenter: Gail Barksy
Discussants: Robert Grossmark, PhD & Eric Mendelsohn, PhD

2018 - It’s Getting Crowded in Here: Reflections on the Control Case Requirement and the Analytic Third

Through open examination of her work with a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, the presenter explicates some of the dynamics that can arise for candidates at relational psychoanalytic institutes in the context of the control case training requirement. From inside an already fraught clinical situation, the author explores how the control case requirement may act as an Analytic Third in the treatment room, and the ways in which enactments in control cases are managed—internally by candidates; between analytic couples; and broadly among the educational, supervisory, and institutional support systems in place for candidates at relational institutes

Presenter: Jen Handler, LCSW
Discussants: Sandra Buechler, Ph.D. & Ann Rudovsky, LCSW

2017 - Longing for Breakdown in the Analytic Couple: Repetition, Reparation, Mourning, Generation

This presentation proposes a formulation of fear of breakdown that encompasses both a breaking down of archaic, false inner organizations and a drive for growth and self-creation. In this formulation, the transition from the breaking down of archaic inner structures to the breaking through, accompanying growth and self-creation is achieved via (re)experiencing of breakdown within the analytic couple. In this context, the presenter elaborates upon the notion of (re)experiencing as not just a transferential (re)experiencing of breakdown, but also as a more primordial dwelling together in the broken place of breakdown—a process which inevitably entails the longings and unmetabolized losses of both patient and analyst.

Presenter Lissa Schaupp, LCSW
Discussants: Anthony Bass, Ph.D., & Alan Sirote, LCSW

2016 - What's Good Got To Do With It?: Conceiving a New Perspective on Object Relations When Dealing with Trauma

In cases of massive childhood trauma where there has been little or no positive relational experience, this presentation proposes that a good object is not internalized, and only defensive, pathological internal structures are formed. In such cases, therapeutic action turns both on the internalization of a new good object through the treatment relationship, and a loosening of ties to old bad objects. 

Presenter: Merav Ben-Horin, LMSW
Discussants: Marc Sholes, LMSW & Neil Skolnick, PhD

2015 - The Bitter Pill of Hypochondriasis

What would cause a bright and beautiful woman to torment herself with fears of an inner sickness?

Presenter: Kelli Novak
Discussants: Roger Rosenthal, LCSW & Janice O. Bennett, Ph.D.

2014 - Analysis in the Cloud: The Virtual Self, the Enigmatic Message & Electronic Communication

This presentation explored the purposes, meanings, and contents of text communication within a psychoanalytic dyad.

Presenter: Konstantine Pinteris, LCSW
Discussants: Jackie Gotthold, PsyD & Eric Mendelsohn, PhD

2013 - Finding Words: How Hidden Aspects of a Treatment Can Be Revealed in the Process of Psychoanalytic Writing

This presentation considered the overlap of psychoanalytic writing and psychoanalysis itself, positing that the experience of striving to generate language is at the heart of both endeavors.

Presenter: Rachel Altstein, LP, JD
Discussants: Anthony Bass, PhD & Steven Kuchuck, LCSW