
First Year

Fall Trimester
Evolution of Psychoanalytic Theory I
Psychoanalytic Process I: In the Room
Experiencing Psychoanalysis

Winter Trimester
Evolution of Psychoanalytic Theory II
Psychoanalytic Process II: The Therapeutic Relationship
Culture with Psychoanalysis in Mind

Spring Trimester
Evolution of Psychoanalytic Theory III
Therapeutic Action of Psychoanalysis
Development I: The Baby

Second Year

Fall Trimester
Transference/Countertransference I
Freud I
Dreams I

Winter Trimester
Transference/Countertransference II
Freud II
Development II

Spring Trimester
Ego Psychology/Contemporary Freud
Interpersonal Theory I
Object Relations I

Third Year

Fall Trimester
Interpersonal Theory II
Object Relations II
Relational Theory I

Winter Trimester
Dreams II
Relational Theory II

Spring Trimester
Love & Power
Affect Regulation
Self-Psychology I

Fourth Year

Fall Trimester
Self-Psychology II
Therapy Integration in Psychoanalysis
Trauma & Dissociation

Winter Trimester
Gender & Sexuality
Advanced Therapeutic Action

Spring Trimester
Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Master Class

These courses provide practical skills needed by the independent practitioner.
Each mini-course meets for four 90 minute sessions.

Ethical & Legal Issues in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis
Instructors: Nancy Kahn, LCSW, PhD

The primary educational goal of this mini-course is to help candidates practice in a prudent way. The course offers tools and practice techniques that may be helpful in improving the skills of the psychotherapist as well as being useful in reducing and managing the psychotherapists' malpractice risks. Candidates will understand the laws, ethical standards, and regulations under which they practice,and learn: the definition of malpractice and how to avoid unethical and illegal behavior,how to assess dangerous behaviors (suicide and homicide) in their patients, and requirements of documentation.

Instructor: Stewart Crane, LCSW

The goal of this introductory mini-course is to provide first year candidates with an understanding of addictions from a relational psychoanalytic perspective. We will focus on substance abuse, binge eating disorder and sexual compulsivity. The key concepts of affect regulation and dissociation in working with these patients will be considered using clinical material.

Medical Aspects of Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis
Instructor: Brian Sands, MD

The goal of this mini-course is to teach non-medical psychotherapists how to identify symptoms in patients that might be alleviated by psychotropic medications, to identify medical conditions that might present with psychiatric symptoms, and to learn about the various psychotropic medications now available. The relationship between the non-medical psychotherapist and the consulting psychiatrist is also covered in this course. Candidates will learn to identify which patients could benefit from a medication consultation with a psychiatrist, and will be introduced to the different medications available, learn to be alert to medical conditions they might encounter in order to make appropriate referrals for medical intervention, and how to best utilize psychiatric consultations for their patients.

The primary educational goal of this mini-course is to help candidates practice in a prudent way. The course offers tools and practice techniques that may be helpful in improving the skills of the psychotherapist as well as being useful in reducing and managing the psychotherapists' malpractice risks. Candidates will understand the laws, ethical standards, and regulations under which they practice,and learn: the definition of malpractice and how to avoid unethical and illegal behavior,how to assess dangerous behaviors (suicide and homicide) in their patients, and requirements of documentation.

Transference/Countertransference I
Instructor: Chuck Finlon, LCSW

This course examines the clinical implications of transference/countertransference phenomena. Drawing heavily on candidates' clinical material and the assigned course readings, we shall explore the comparative theory, history, and evolution of transference/countertransference phenomena. We begin with the classical one-person model where transference was seen as a projection-- a displacement onto the blank screen of the analyst, and interpretation/insight were seen as the important agents of therapeutic change. We will then explore the Kleinian, object relational, self psychology, and interpersonal models where transference eventually evolves into a more co-constructed, contextual, organizational two-person process with the analyst evolving from object to subject. The relational experience is added to interpretation/insight as a major therapeutic agent of change as analysts' influence and participation are deemed more important. We shall end with a discussion of some of the current transference/countertransference clinical controversies which include self-disclosure and erotic countertransference.

Transference/Countertransference II
Instructor: Daniel Shaw, LCSW / Janine de Peyer, LCSW

Contemporary theories of transference and countertransference emphasize becoming aware of and making sense of unconscious relational dynamics as they occur within the analytic dyad. While our asymmetric focus is always on the inner world of the patient, as opposed to a system of "mutual analysis," unconscious aspects of the analyst's inner world and its impact on the patient has increasingly become an important area for potential therapeutic action – the most well-studied examples of this being the role of impasse and enactment in analytic therapy. The various theoretical schools continue to delineate theoretical differences among them, and these differences, according to our own theoretical alignments, will influence how we understand and make use of transference-countertransference material.

The readings for this course represent current perspectives on transference and countertransference from various theoretical schools. Each student will be asked in the first class to select one of the papers from each week and present clinical material to the class which links thematically to the reading they choose. Select experiential exercises will be interspersed among readings to illustrate transference/countertransference dynamics.

An important learning goal for this class will be to identify the differences we recognize from the readings we use, and consider the various implications of these theories in terms of clinical technique.

Freud I (1885-1920) & Freud II (1920-1938)
Instructor: Azeen Khan, PhD

In these two seminars, we systematically read the major works of Sigmund Freud, beginning with Studies on Hysteria (1892) and ending with Inhibitions, Symptoms, and Anxiety (1926). We focus on both theory papers and his case studies, tracing the evolution of his thinking from his "pre-psychoanalytic" work, through his early discovery of the unconscious and the instinctual drives, through his papers on technique, his formulation of narcissism and the many implications of that, on to his articulation of the concept of the superego and the structural model and the beginnings of ego psychology. While approaching each work in its own right, we explore how each new concept relates to the work that preceded it and the work that later grew out of it. Critical to these seminars is the notion that contemporary relational psychoanalysis has its roots in Freud's writings, and the close study of what Freud seemed to get right that remains the foundation of psychoanalytic thinking, as well as where his thinking was misguided and where contemporary models attempt to offer corrections.

Ego Psychology
Instructor: Gerard Perna, LCSW

This course familiarizes candidates with the major contributors to ego psychology and contextualizes it within the broader history of psychoanalysis. Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Kris, and Rudolf Lowenstein, the founders, were all emigres from the spread of Nazism across western Europe. Together they endeavored to fashion a new form of psychoanalysis more concerned with normal development. By introducing the autonomous ego, the conflict-free ego sphere, and drive neutralization they sought to de-emphasize the role of conflict as the sole driving force in human development. Though Hartmann himself wrote little concerning clinical theory, Rene Spitz, Anna Freud, and Margaret Mahler extended clinical theory by extrapolating from direct observation and clinical accounts of infant and early childhood treatments which reached beyond the prevailing oedipal conflict pathology into the pre-oedipal era of development. Whether or not Hartmann's project was successful in laying the foundation for progressive expansions of theory and practice is one of the questions that the course engages from our contemporary vantage point. Though this Americanized version of psychoanalysis dominated the field from roughly 1940 to 1970 it cannot be considered a solely positive influence as evidenced by its virtual overnight disappearance. We will look at the political, social, and professional forces that led to its demise.

Contemporary Freudian Perspectives
Lisa Bialkin, LCSW

This course will explore the origins and the evolution of the Contemporary Freudian psychoanalytic approach. The Contemporary Freudians formulated their approach by extending the traditional Freudian theoretical and technical principles, and by simultaneously integrating the core concepts from the writings of object relationists, self psychologists, and ego psychologists. Seminal readings from Loewald, Busch, Katz, Bass, Freedman, Ellman, and Bollas will allow the participants to examine, compare, and contrast the fundamentally important analytic concepts of ego and object relationships, transference, countertransference, and enactment through intersubjective and the intrapsychic dimensions. The theoretical aspects of the class discussions will be enriched by clinical material to demonstrate the formulation of clinical applications from this contemporary perspective.

Dreams I
Instructor: Mary Ellen McMahon, LCSW

The purpose of this course is twofold: to acquaint the candidate with seminal psychoanalytic readings on Dream Theory and Practice, and to enhance the beginning analyst's ability to work more comfortably with their patients' dreams. We will read about 10 articles , beginning with Freud and Jung and then moving on through the 20th century,(Fromm,Tauber, Greenson, Bonime, Fosshage, etc.), to trace the evolution of dream theory. The emphasis is always on how theory informs how to work with our patients' dreams.

Toward this end ,we also require each class member to bring in one of their patient's dreams. The class is helped to "play in the field of the unconscious" by projecting onto the dream anything that comes to their mind about it - metaphors, symbols, relational patterns, feelings, personal associations, etc. The candidate learns that they are not the "interpreter" of the dream, and that indeed the patient created the dream and therefore is the one who "knows" the dream meaning, purpose, wish, etc. We are guides in helping them to unfold it given their current life context.

Development II
Instructor: Patricia Clough, PhD

Following readings and discussions in Development I, this course engages with the ongoing complimentary aspects of development thinking and psychoanalytic thought, drive theory and the relational perspective, in order to explore the oedipal and post oedipal phases: middle childhood and adolescence. However as the oedipal and the postoedipal phases traditionally concern the child’s relationship to sexual identity and sexuality in terms of a heteronormativity, assumptions about the family romance and the gendered body in development and psychoanalytic theory will be reconsidered. Following we will take up the issue of the child’s development of an embodied mindedness or the capacity to play with reality. Throughout the course, there will be consideration of the implication for clinical work and therapeutic action.

Object Relations I
Instructor: TBD

This course explores the contributions of Melanie Klein, W.R.D. Fairbairn, and D.W. Winnicott in the development of British Object Relations Theory. We will study and contextualize their work in the history of psychoanalytic thought, focusing on the ways each of these writers relate to, extend, and depart from Freud's drive model. We will consider the ongoing dialectic of ideas with particular focus on models of mind and theories of development, motivation, and therapeutic action. Candidates will read original materials and contemporary syntheses and interpretations.

Interpersonal Theory I
Instructor: Eric Mendelsohn, PhD

This is the first of a two course sequence in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. The objective of these courses is to foster awareness and appreciation of the clinical and theoretical foundations of Interpersonalism, and to promote critical engagement with its traditions. The first course will focus on historical evolution and the second will consider the contributions of Interpersonal and Interpersonally influenced analysts to contemporary psychoanalytic discourse.

In this first course our texts will include contributions of four pioneers of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis: Sandor Ferenczi, Harry Stack Sullivan, Clara Thompson, and Erich Fromm. Readings of primary sources will be supplemented by papers written by second and third generation authors who critically consider and extend the ideas of their forebears. Our study of these writers will involve us in our unique version of participant observation. In so doing we will make our unique contribution to the evolving conceptualization of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis.

We will relate our study of theory and therapy process to the clinical work we do by considering the complexities of our participation with our patients. Opportunities will be afforded to present our clinical work, and clinical selves, in class.

Relational Theory I
Instructor: Lissa Schaupp, LCSW

This course will introduce the major early relational psychoanalytic theorists, whose seminal work is based on a model emphasizing the essentially social and interactive nature of the individual, originally synthesized from object relations theory, self psychology, and interpersonal psychoanalysis. This group of theorists includes Lewis Aron, Jessica Benjamin, Phillip Bromberg, Jay Greenberg, Irwin Z. Hoffman, Jodie Davies and Steven A. Mitchell. The focus of discourse will be on the psychoanalytic reformulations that follow from a belief in the fundamentally social and interactive nature of the individual, including social constructivism and perspectivism. We will examine the relational concepts of enactments, mutuality, intersubjectivity, dissociation and the analyst's use of self.

Object Relations II
Instructor: Veronica Csillag, LCSW

This class aims to elaborate on the primary source contributions to Object Relations Theory covered in the previous class. The original object relational schools have led to their own conceptual lineages, and we will trace the evolution of this thinking from the roots, through the next generations, and into the most current relational notions about the structure and makeup of the internal world. Object Relations can be thought of as a basic language of psychoanalysis, utilized broadly to explain deep process in both intrapsychic and intersubjective relating. Its tenets form the foundations of developmental and dynamic theories of psychoanalysis and underpin key concepts within the Relational tradition. As such, we will cover important papers that illustrate the sense of the movement of theory over time. We will investigate the ways Object Relations theory can be used to stabilize the more fluid, perspectival relational ideology. 

Interpersonal Theory II
Instructor: Helen Quinones, PhD

The insights of, what was once considered, the Culturalist school- (Harry Stack Sullivan(1892-1949 ), Ferenczi ( 1873-1933) , Clara Thompson ( 1893-1958), Eric Fromm ( 1900-1980) , Frieda Fromm Reichman ( 1889-1957), Karen Horney (1885-1952)) led to a shift in the psychoanalytic field that can only be described as ground breaking. Through their combined work the analytic field became enlivened by the awareness of the relational dynamics that exist in the here and now with significant others including the analyst. It was based on the principles of pragmatism, empiricism and egalitarianism .

In this course we will read second and third generation scholars who have expanded and transformed these interpersonal insights and principles into a psychoanalytic perspective which has influenced all branches of psychoanalysis ( contemporary Freudian, Object relational and Self Psychology). The class participants will be asked to present clinical material that can be discussed from a point of view that delineates an interpersonal stance that is based on analytic participation and observation.

Dreams II
Instructor: Susan Obrecht, LCSW

This course will provide an overview of contemporary thought on working with dreams. The candidate will become familiar with a plurality of approaches and locate a level of ease with which to engage working with dreams. It is expected that in the safe environment of the classroom students will present in-depth case material around their patients dream material, attend to fellow students’ case presentations and provide careful insights and compassionate inquiries about their colleagues’ work. Students will be expected to engage deeply with the assigned readings, think critically, express their learning needs and participate in discussions around case materials.

Relational Theory II
Instructor: Alan Sirote, LCSW

This course focuses on the clinical implications of relational theory. Concepts are studied that view human motivation as evolving from a social and interactive field and how this has changed analytic work with patients. Theories and notions of the unconscious, self-states, therapeutic action, self-disclosure, enactments, improvisation, relational modes, racism, class, culture, and intimacy are discussed in the context of readings and clinical examples.

Psychoanalytic Writing
Instructor: Rachel Altstein, LP, JD

This course will introduce candidates to the rich literature devoted to psychoanalytic writing. Major themes in papers by analysts from various theoretical orientations will include: how analytic writing might be taught, how analytic writing can draw from literature and fiction, how trauma might be captured in analytic writing, how process notes (our first analytic writings) can become more a more compelling experience, and how analytic writing can become an enactment of the themes of the analysis described. Reading psychoanalytically - a way of engaging with a text and its author in an active and interpretive way - will be explored as well.

This course will additionally provide a context within which NIP’s requirement to write a Final Project can rest and become a more meaningful and less stressful experience. To this end, each week candidates will submit short writings that can be supportively workshopped by the group. Finally, the logistics of the Project will be discussed in detail, including: how to pick a patient and integrate theory into the clinical picture; how to preserve anonymity of the patient; how to pick a first and second chair; and how to manage your writing time effectively.

Affect Regulation
Instructor: Katherine Leddick, PhD

This course is organized around Daniel Hill’s Affect Regulation Theory. We will read his book, Affect Regulation Theory, A Clinical Model (2015), and deepen and broaden our understanding with supplemental texts. In our first few meetings we will discuss how the class would like to focus our time. We may expand on attachment theory or clinical applications, for example, if the class would like to do so. We could choose to focus more on Hill’s theory and clinical model, and less on the other readings.

Love & Power: Subjectivity & the Collective
Instructor: Eyal Rozmarin, PhD

Self Psychology I
Instructor: Heather Ferguson, LCSW

In this seminar, we will explore key theoretical ideas originating in Self Psychology which have informed contemporary Self Psychology and Intersubjective Systems thinking. We will link these contributions to therapeutic action; for example, how does the role of empathy impact our clinical sensibility and listening perspective? We will integrate concepts such as the leading and trailing edge perspective (e.g., Kohut & Tolpin) and pathological accommodation (e.g., Brandchaft) into clinical case examples.

Trauma & Dissociation
Instructor: Sandy Silverman, LCSW

We are living in a time of trauma. Various forces and realities including COVID-19, racial injustice and repeated police violence as well as natural disasters including the fires in California and hurricanes in other parts of the country have contributed to an environment of uncertainty, danger and, for many, terror. In this course we will look at how social and cultural realities as well as familial and childhood traumas are understood and engaged with clinically.

We will begin with a study of the concept of trauma and of dissociation and how they are conceptualized both inside and outside of psychoanalysis. We will discuss how attachment impacts both dissociation and the ability to survive traumatic experiences. We will also look at the transgenerational transmission of trauma, how widespread both race and gender trauma is in this culture, and various approaches to clinical work including somatic experiencing, focusing, meditation, IFS and EMDR. We will spend considerable time on how trauma work impacts the analyst and on experiences of shared trauma.

Self Psychology II: The Relational Turn
Instructor: Heather Ferguson, LCSW

This course, a continuation of Self Psychology 1, expands on Kohut’s original contributions and enduring influence on Contemporary Self Psychology. Through readings and discussion, we will explore the application of Intersubjective Systems theory and the theoretical connections between Self Psychology and Relational theory.

Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory & Psychoanalytic Technique I & II
Instructor: Jim Fosshage, PhD

The aim of the course is to consider a variety of important and galvanizing current topics concerning contemporary relational psychoanalysts, including relational interpersonalists, relational self psychologists, the American Relational authors, intersubjectivists, relational object relationists, and neo-Kleinians. The course is comparative and its purpose is to clarify and define major theoretical concepts, developmental issues, theories of therapeutic action, and clinical guidelines for facilitating therapeutic change. The goal is to understand and assess theoretical and clinical convergences and divergences and, most importantly, to facilitate a candidate's articulation of his/her own emergent theories and clinical guidelines and to further consolidation and refinement of his/her clinical work.

Intersubjectivity/Contemporary Perspectives in Intersubjectivity Theory
Instructor: Carol Martino, LCSW

This course will focus on the origins and development of psychoanalytic theories of intersubjectivity: intersubjectivity as a field or systems theory, forms of intersubjective relatedness, and the intersubjective view of thirdness. We will be discussing intersubjectivity as a dynamic field or system co-created by the mutually reciprocal influence of both patient and analyst in the treatment setting. Our study will include focus on the concepts of conjunctive and disjunctive subjectivities in the analytic interaction and its clinical utility through the use of clinical vignettes. We will explore expanded and differing conceptualizations of mutual regulation, mutual recognition, and mutual influence and its impact as they are understood within the developmental model of intersubjective relatedness and the emergence of the analytic third. Theoretical and clinical aspects will be considered through the writings of theorists such as Aron, Baranger, M. and Baranger, W., Benjamin, Ehrenberg, Ferro, Mitchell, Ogden, Orange, Stolorow et al.

Gender and Sexuality
Instructor: Deborah Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC

This course will focus on a comparison of classical and contemporary writings on gender and sexuality, emphasizing the clinical use of our understanding of multiple psychoanalytic perspectives. We will cover the field from Freud and his followers/critics to contemporary relational thinkers such as Harris, Benjamin, Stein, Corbett, Davis, Aron and others. Students will have a chance to familiarize themselves with debates about the Oedipus complex, masculinity and femininity, penis envy, domination, female sexuality, perversion and their relevant clinical applications. We will address current thinking about attachment, regulation and intersubjectivity and demonstrate how to frame issues now associated with infancy research and gender development in a way that opens up greater access to sexual material. A special focus will be given to working with sexual material and with the analyst's sexuality.

Master Class in Supervision
Instructor: Karen Perlman, PhD

The Master Class in Supervision provides graduating students with an opportunity to work with visiting psychoanalytic scholars who have contributed to clinical theory.

Candidates will read and discuss papers by guest speakers for an engaged focus on their work and ideas. Issues of self-disclosure, enactment, dissociation and intersubjectivity will be explored. Following the class in which the papers are discussed, each guest analyst will conduct a live supervision with case material presented by a candidate. T

he course is designed to give senior candidates an opportunity to compare a variety of supervisory styles and clinical approaches, and to gain a greater understanding of the connection between theory and practice. Reviewing papers in the psychoanalytic canon and observing live demonstrations of practice is intended to facilitate this process.

Group Experience: Endings
Instructor: Jill Choder-Goldman, LCSW

In this course, we will focus both didactically and experientially on the working through of issues associated with the concept of termination. The class will function as a group experience, working with their feelings about leaving NIP and the coming to an end of their analytic training as a lived model for studying the termination process in psychotherapy. The relationship between termination in therapy and other separations and endings, including leaving the institute and the termination of your class will be explored.

Readings will present some historical as well as contemporary theory on the termination process in psychoanalysis. However, the thrust of this class is experiential and candidates are encouraged to share with the group their experiences of terminations with their patients and to explore their own feelings about saying goodbye to each other, the Institute, and perhaps other important people in their lives.


In both the fourth year, each class has the opportunity to select one elective course.
For this elective, the class gets to select both the topic of the course and the instructor for the course.
The elective incorporates integrating psychoanalysis with other modalities.

2020.2021 Elective

Character Disorders & Treatment
Luc Oliver Charlap, PhD

Other Elective Options

Recent electives have also included:

  • Jung with instructor Margaret Klenck, LPA

  • Shame with instructor Susan Obrecht, LCSW

  • Neo-Kleinians with instructor Neil Skolnick, PhD

  • Dissociation with instructor Sheldon Itzkowitz, PhD, ABPP

  • Couples Therapy – this course has been selected multiple years

  • Regulation Theory: Integrating Psychoanalysis, Attachment & Neuroscience with instructor Dan Hill, PhD

  • Integrating Psychoanalytic Techniques with Other Modalities – this course has been selected multiple years, and instructors have included Sandra Shapiro, PhD; Fran LaBarre, PhD; and Graham Bass, MA, APRN, LP

  • Treating the Difficult Patient with instructor Marc Sholes, LCSW

  • Fairbairn's Object Relations Theory

Other elective possibilities include:

  • Contemporary Kleinian Psychoanalysis

  • Ferenczi

  • Trauma Treatment

  • Fatherhood

  • Group Therapy

  • Eating Disorders/Addictions

  • Sociocultural Influences on Psychoanalysis

  • Freud's Case Histories

  • Erotic Transference/Countertransference

  • Mind/Body Integration

  • Other topics selected by your class